Chalukova house
In the Old Town of Plovdiv – on the Taksim and Dzhambaz Hill – the Chalukovi family had a lot of estates, some of which were larger than the Chalukovi House. But all of them are burned in fires over the centuries. Only the Chalakov House, where had been living Valko the Great – the father of Chalukovi race, remained. In the museum exposition is placed a golden copy of the generic ring of Chalukovi family, made by goldsmith from Plovdiv. This ring was used for a signet and has been passed from father to the eldest son.
The furniture in the house is from the Bulgarian Revival. It is prepared a brief written history of the house and the family for the guests, and the book "Valko and Stoyan Todorov Chalukov – ancestry, life and activity", written by Hristo Kiriakov and published in 1935.Chalukova housebuilt in the 50s of the XIX c.